KRAFTON is on a mission to help ambitious young Indian game entrepreneurs to turn ideas into reality and beyond. KRAFTON will establish a mature gaming ecosystem where unique creations are born infinitely and enjoyed by everyone.
Take your concept to new heights with industry veterans, KRAFTON resources vault, workshops, and expert guidance, ensuring your game shines in the spotlight.
If you have an innovative game plan, we’ll help, guidementorfund, and steer you toward future gaming glory.

Are you ready for an adventure?

We are looking for gaming individuals or teams to submit pitch deck & build explaining your vision and goals. You may include the following key elements:
An ambitious idea that can scale globally.
An element of innovation that sets it apart from the competition.
Include the following details regarding the team, game concept, timeline, budget, support needed, business goals, etc.

What’s in it for you?

Financial Support

Financial support to cover your development cost so that you can focus more on creating & developing games.

  • Size – $50,000 to $150,000 range, with potential for adjustment based on specific requirements.
  • AWS credits worth USD 10,000.
  • App magic premium account access.


By joining our program, our friends become your friends!
You will join our experienced mentors, resources, webinars, and more.
Everybody you need to know. All in one place!


Connect with Global Industry Titans.
Catapult Your Game into a Global Spotlight.


Level up your game dev skills in our incubator program, with a duration of 6 months to 1 year, tailored to your unique start requirements and goals. Join the adventure today!

Ready to make it big!

If you’ve got gaming experience and a ‘smashing’ business plan, provided you meet the criteria set out in our Terms and Conditions, we want to hear from you!


Application Submission

After submitting your application FORM, if any additional detail is needed we will reach out to you.


Application Assessment

The review committee will review your application to assess your fit with our program. If we need more information at this point, we will be in contact. If required, we will provide a helpful template to share additional details and may have a call to get more information.


The big meet-up - Demo Day!

If we like what we see, we’ll invite you for an interview to discuss your pitch and ask further questions.


Get ready to dive into the excitement!

If everything goes smoothly, we will ask you to sign an agreement – at which point you will successfully be part of our KRAFTON India Gaming Incubator! Post selected for the incubator program, you’ll also gain exclusive access to some of the finest game builders from Korea—a recognized leader in the world’s most advanced gaming ecosystem.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions about the program, please get in touch with us at infoindiaincubator@krafton.com


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